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Fall 2024

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Amy’s Attitude: Spring 2024

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Existentially Elizabeth: Spring 2024

  • Existentially Elizabeth: Spring 2024

    Beyond Clean: What’s In Your Disinfectants? Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, also known as QACs or Quats, were developed in the 1970’s and have...

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  • Amy’s Attitude: Spring 2024

    Recently, one of the members of our canine pack fell ill with a nasty stomach bug. Unfortunately, the gurgling belly wasn’t easily...

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  • Amy’s Attitude: Winter 2023

     NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS ORIGINAL BY CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE PARODY BY AMY TOUROND ’Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all across the land...

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  • Advertise in the Stud Dog Issue

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  • Amy’s Attitude: Fall 2023

    As I sit and write this issue’s article, the state of Florida has just been hit by its first hurricane of the...

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Bringing you the best in dobermans. By doberman people, for doberman people.