Amy’s Attitude: October 2017
Posted on September 25, 2017

If you are reading this, it means that against all odds, in the face of Hurricane Irma, we have successfully assembled our National Specialty edition of The Doberman Network and put it in your hands despite no mail service, no courier service, massive power outages and loss of internet. With the bulk of our staff based in Florida, and our home office in the direct path of life threatening destruction and storm surge, we are heeding all warnings while staying committed to this product.
Assuming we are able to pull through this natural disaster, we will see you all at the National Specialty in Huron, Ohio. Please stop by our booth and introduce yourself or just say hello. We will have something special for each of our advertisers and subscribers. There will be copies of our fist two issues available for purchase, and of course we will be available to start your subscription or help with your future advertising needs.
When Greg and I made the decision to move to Florida in 2003, Greg convinced me that living in southwest Florida, there was little chance of hurricane directly impacting us. He said that the storms come through the Caribbean and across Puerto Rico and Cuba, and head into the Gulf of Mexico. (True). He also said that for a storm to make a hard turn east once it enters the Gulf is extremely rare. (True). And that the last major hurricane to hit our area was in 1960. (True – Hurricane Donna). Well, what the heck happened? Mother Nature isn’t following the rules very well.
Our first summer in the sunshine state was welcomed with one of the busiest Atlantic hurricane years in history. 2004 saw five major storms hit the state, including Charley which made landfall less than 30 miles from our home. Charley’s relatives Frances, Gaston, Ivan, Jean and Karl followed with each taking its toll on various parts of the state. After the third impact, I left with a litter of five-week old puppies that were born just days before Charley. One year later, Florida hosted Dennis, Katrina, Rita and Wilma, and they need to introduction as to the damage they caused.
Twelve years later, I sit in the hopeful safety of a friend’s house, bracing for Hurricane Irma. Watching the inevitable path of destruction, I am grateful to have this magazine to give me something else to focus on. With the effects of Hurricane Harvey too fresh in my mind, I fear for our home and possessions that were left behind when we evacuated. All of the necessary preparations were taken. The boat is secure; the trees are trimmed; the yard is free of debris; the hurricane shutters are up. Generators have been tested. Fuel and water are in supply. We have cash in hand and plenty of food and batteries and charcoal. BUT – no amount of preparation can soothe our minds. Sadly, the television is already showing images of early damages, and my eyes well with tears knowing the worst is still to come. Bringing you the BEST in Dobermans