DPCA Futurity and Maturity Program
Posted on February 25, 2019

The DPCA’s Futurity program has been around since the 50s, with many of the winners of Grand Prize Futurity some of our most significant dogs: Kay Hills Takes Won To Nowon in 1965, Arco Dob Mann in 1982, Maco’s Sugar Twin in 1990, Marienburg’s Repo Man in 1999, and many others. But what is Futurity? How is it different from a sweepstakes?
From the DPCA Futurity Stake Rules: I. Purpose: To encourage the breeding of the best possible Doberman Pinschers and to reward the breeders for their efforts. Thus, the Futurity Stake is weighted towards the breeder. Recognition is also given the owners in whose hands lie the responsibility of developing the inherited potentialities. The sire is recognized for his genetic contribution.
Futurity is about recognizing the breeder. There are also awards for the owner and sire owner, but the real showcase is the breeder. If you keep this in mind, it makes sense why the largest percentage of the award goes to the breeder, and why the nomination process exists (unlike a sweepstakes.)
There are three major steps to entering Futurity:
- Nominate the bitch while she is in whelp. You’ll hear the terms “bitch nomination” and “litter nomination” used interchangeably, because this is where the breeder is expressing their belief in the choices they have made for the breeding. Since the bitch is in whelp, there is no way to know if the puppies will be the next Best in Show winner or all pet-quality dogs, so it is the breeder’s way of showing their confidence in the dam and the sire, and what that combination will produce.\
- The next step is to nominate individual puppies before they are 4 months old. Again, this shows an element of confidence from the breeder, as not all puppies will exhibit their potential by 4 months. (Some breeders nominate all the puppies in the litter, and others leave it up to the individual owners.)
- The final step is to enter the Futurity as an “additional class” when you enter the National.
All of the forms are on the DPCA website at http:// dpca.org/futurity/futurity.php. The forms can be printed out and signed, mailed with a check to the address on the 2nd page, or they can be submitted electronically to dpcafuturitydirector@dpca.org, or faxed to 818-743-7474. (Checks must be mailed to the address on the form, which is the DPCA Treasurer.) There is also an option to submit payment via PayPal, using the links provided on the DPCA website.
Futurity has some nice awards, including sometimes significant money. The money (stake) is determined by the total amount of both nomination fees plus entry fees, and that is then divided according to the DPCA Futurity Stake Rules. (For example, in 2018, if you won 1st place in 6-9 AOAC puppy dog, the breeder received $71.13, the owner received $47.42 and the sire owner received $23.71.) There is also a DannyQuest statue presented that is only available to the Grand Prize Futurity winner. This trophy is a replica of the perpetual award dedicated in memory of Don Moss.
The DPCA Maturity program was added in 2014 by long-time Futurity Director Diane Simmons. Diane worked tirelessly to bring this program to fruition, as a second chance to showcase breeders’ puppies from their Futurity-nominated litters. This is an excellent opportunity to show puppies who may not have matured completely in their Futurity year, or as a tune-up show before the National.
Maturity has slightly different rules from Futurity – any puppy from a Futurity-nominated litter is eligible, but they must be nominated in the year following their “Futurity year.” The fee is slightly higher for a puppy that wasn’t individually nominated for Futurity, but they are still eligible to enter.
There are 2 steps to entering Maturity:
- Nominate the puppy. Maturity nominations are open from April 15 to July 31 ONLY. Several reminders will be sent via All Ears and DPCA Rep, as this step is required to enter. Remember, the puppy must be from a Futurity-nominated litter, but even if they weren’t individually nominated for Futurity, they are still eligible.
- Enter the “additional class” of Maturity when you do your National entries.
If you have any questions about either Futurity or Maturity, please contact me at dpcafuturitydirector@ dpca.org, or call me at the phone number listed in DPCA Members Only. I’m happy to help with filling out forms, or explaining any of the rules or requirements.