Christine’s Chat: October 2022
Posted on October 1, 2022

received a tremendous response to those whom I reached out to for advertisements in my first National issue. I am overwhelmed at the kindness and fun interactions with those owners and breeders. As you are flipping through this large issue be sure to take note of the beautiful dogs jam packed in the breeders sections of this magazine.
I wish everyone a safe trip by whatever means you are traveling to and from the National. Although I will not be present this year’s National; the Topeka 2014 National is a particularly fond memory near and dear to my heart. I hope to catch good portion of this year’s events online, it’s not the same as being there. I will especially miss mingling with friends I only get to see on a limited basis at this annual event.
Support your fellow competitors in all events at this extravaganza. If you’re an owner/handler jump into that ring and show your heart out. If your new, go introduce yourself to the experienced, I assure you they all want to lend a hand and share their knowledge.
Watch the Top 20 events, conformation, agility, and obedience as they memorable and fun. It takes each competitor much time and money to land themselves in any of the three Top 20 sports. The seminars put on by DPCA are highly attended events, and remember the volunteers are giving their time and sharing their expertise.
My heartfelt thanks to all who advertised in this issue. Cheers to a successful National! Christine.