Announcing a Production Change
Posted on February 6, 2023

After six years of publishing this wonderfully successful, beautiful and informative magazine, it is time for us to make a change.
For almost seven years with the Doberman Network and another ten prior with Doll-McGinnis’ Doberman Digest, I have been the person that the Doberman community has come to know so well with print media. If you’ve had a nice win, a new champion, a litter planned, reached a milestone, earned a new title or wanted to say thank you to your breeder or handler, chances are we’ve been in contact and you’ve advertised with me (or politely declined in the most rare of cases ha ha!).
When the opportunity presented itself for my husband, Greg, and I to launch this publication, the support you all showed was unbelievable! I will always be grateful for the trust and faith you put into our small group of hard working staff. You believed in us to bring you a quality product, and you are the reason we have been able to sustain the momentum and success of this magazine.
However, the times they are a changing, and so we must adjust our business model. After more than 15 years involved with advertising, interviewing, editing, designing, proofing, lay out, publication, managing subscriptions, renewals, and all things Doberman magazine… I feel like I have exhausted the options to reinvent the wheel. I know how much the Doberman community loves its print magazines, so I want to continue to offer you that product. We always have and hopefully always will love to sit down and curl up with a copy of the new release as we fill our eyes and our minds with beautiful, talented Dobermans and topics pertaining to our breed and our sports. I also know the disappointment you feel when the issue is thin, lacking in advertising and/or fresh articles. It doesn’t generate the same excitement for you to receive or for us to produce skinny issues.
As you know, the magazine is sustained by paid advertising and subscriptions. Although we often hear things like, “there are too many dog shows” or “majors are so hard to find” the reality is that there are not as many breeders today as there were 20 or 30 years ago. With an obvious decline in the number of people breeding and showing Dobermans, there is a much smaller pool of advertisers and subscribers than there used to be. Perhaps this is the cycle of a magazine, as we have seen the ebb and flow with our predecessors, Doberman Quarterly, Doberman Monthly, Doberman Ring/Doberman Pinscher Magazine, Doberman Digest and others…
I know what you are thinking… this all sounds so sad, but don’t despair. We are not closing the Doberman Network, but we do need to make a change in order to continue to provide you with a product that will excite you when it arrives in the mail. Therefore, beginning in April, we will be changing our production schedule to produce two issues per year.
Our Spring issue will be themed as our Stud Dog & Puppy Issue, and will highlight stud dogs and their get. Our Fall issue will be the National issue highlighting Breeders and Handlers. We will always support you with any brags, wins or thank you’s that you wish to share with our readers, and our rates will not change.
For active subscribers, your subscriptions will be adjusted accordingly, and emails will be sent out, advising you of your new expiration date. Please be patient as we work to adjust this for everyone. New annual subscription rates for one year (2 issues) will be $30 for domestic, $50 for domestic first class, and $70 for Canada. International copies will be available as single purchase, with rates dependent on postage.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me via email: or talk/text: 239-220-9202
Thank you, and we look forward to serving you with two glorious, beefy issues per year moving forward!