Amy’s Attitude: April 2019
Published on April 10, 2019
“Owning a stud dog is such fun!” said no experienced dog person ever Sure, it may sound flattering that people want to breed to your dog, but the luster can quickly tarnish. I’m not referring to failed breedings or people […]
Parainfluenza in Dogs: What Is It?
Published on February 25, 2019
Before we delve into parainfluenza, we need to clear up confusion. The canine parainfluenza virus is separate from the canine influenza viruses. Therefore, the parainfluenza vaccine will not provide protection against the canine influenza viruses H3N2 and H3N8, nor will […]
DPCA Futurity and Maturity Program
Published on February 25, 2019
The DPCA’s Futurity program has been around since the 50s, with many of the winners of Grand Prize Futurity some of our most significant dogs: Kay Hills Takes Won To Nowon in 1965, Arco Dob Mann in 1982, Maco’s Sugar […]
JoAnne’s Workshop: Your First Obedience Show
Published on February 25, 2019
Preparing for your first show can be nerve racking and stressful for and your dog. In this article, I hope to take some of the uncertainties out of showing for the first time. The most important rule for new exhibitors […]
Amy’s Attitude: February 2019
Published on February 5, 2019
Spend enough time around the rings, and you will most certainly hear someone declare, “It’s just a dog show!” It is a sort of “go-to” when we want to calm tempers or shrug off a loss. The implied message is, […]
JoAnne’s Workshop: Rule Changes
Published on November 28, 2018
We are creatures of habit. The longer something remains the same, the harder it is to change it and then accept the change. People cling to what is familiar. So, the new rules that eliminate the sits and downs for […]
Amy’s Attitude: December 2018
Published on November 28, 2018
The Disappearing Effect Remember when majors were big and fat and hard to win, but when you did win, you celebrated? Judges took their evaluation of the large entries seriously because in most instances there were many animals who were […]